Friday, October 18, 2013

Character Animation Reel

This is my Character Animation Reel.
Cal Williams - Character Animation Reel from Cal Williams on Vimeo.


Here is an in-progress nCloth and nHair test I put togther.
The hair curves where created using FiberMesh in ZBrush.
Samba from Cal Williams on Vimeo.

Model and MoCap Animation courtesy of Mixamo

Umbra Trailer - Playblast

Here is the unrendered version of the trailer for my short film "Umbra" Fully rendered version coming soon!

Umbra Trailer - Playblast from Cal Williams on Vimeo.

Isaac Walk Cycle

Here is a walk cycle of Isaac, the main character of my short film "Umbra." This cycle also has nCloth and nHair systems active.

Isaac Walk Cycle from Cal Williams on Vimeo.