Saturday, November 9, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Character Animation Reel

This is my Character Animation Reel.
Cal Williams - Character Animation Reel from Cal Williams on Vimeo.


Here is an in-progress nCloth and nHair test I put togther.
The hair curves where created using FiberMesh in ZBrush.
Samba from Cal Williams on Vimeo.

Model and MoCap Animation courtesy of Mixamo

Umbra Trailer - Playblast

Here is the unrendered version of the trailer for my short film "Umbra" Fully rendered version coming soon!

Umbra Trailer - Playblast from Cal Williams on Vimeo.

Isaac Walk Cycle

Here is a walk cycle of Isaac, the main character of my short film "Umbra." This cycle also has nCloth and nHair systems active.

Isaac Walk Cycle from Cal Williams on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013